Collection: JK SEEDS

JK Seeds specializes in producing high-quality hybrid seeds for crops such as Cotton, Maize, Bajra, Jowar, Rice, and Vegetables. The company was the first in India to commercialize Bt Cotton with indigenous GM technology in collaboration with IIT Kharagpur. Its R&D was recognized by DSIR.


Jk seeds Price List

Product Price
Jk champ bitter gourd seeds Rs. 650
Jk 9113 bottle gourd seeds Rs. 250
Jk utkristha tomato seeds (oval) Rs. 1,485
Jkth 100 tomato seeds (acidic) Rs. 403
Jkth 533 tomato seeds (oval) Rs. 1,485
Jkoh 700 okra seeds Rs. 1,200
Jkth 447 tomato seeds (acidic) Rs. 341
Jkth 633 tomato seeds (oval) Rs. 1,220
Jkhph 178 chilli seeds Rs. 390
Jkoh 1054 okra seeds Rs. 775
Jkth 5202 tomato seeds Rs. 650
Jkoh 502 okra seeds Rs. 1,350
Jk nandini tomato seeds (acidic) Rs. 413
Jk 710 sponge gourd seeds Rs. 270
Jk ratan tomato seeds (acidic) Rs. 508
Jk varsha tomato seeds (acidic) Rs. 340
Jkhph 205 (ishika) chilli seeds Rs. 415
Jk ati madhur sweetcorn seeds Rs. 1,550
Jkmwh 007 gold watermelon seeds Rs. 531
Jk desi tomato seeds (acidic) Rs. 325
Jk charlie red beetroot seeds Rs. 1,150
Jk madhul pumpkin seeds Rs. 80
Jk victor tomato seeds (acidic) Rs. 436
Jk harini okra (bhindi) seeds Rs. 170
Jk manali cucumber seeds Rs. 180
Jk kuroda carrot seeds Rs. 880
Jkoh 7315 okra seeds Rs. 370
Jk lubana sponge gourd seeds Rs. 70
Jk 9126 bottle gourd seeds Rs. 60
Jk arjita okra seeds Rs. 100
Jk green beauty radish palak patta seeds Rs. 100
Jk khushi beans seeds Rs. 375
Jk anand coriander seeds Rs. 150
Jkoh 6166 okra (bhindi) seeds Rs. 999
Jkoh 0062 okra (bhindi) seeds Rs. 300
Jk vinod bitter gourd seeds Rs. 100
Jk urmi cucumber seeds Rs. 170
Jkhph 176 chilli seeds Rs. 400
Jk green bullion cabbage seeds Rs. 200
Jk long bitter gourd seeds Rs. 120
Jk uttara bottle gourd seeds Rs. 50
Jkon-106 onion seeds Rs. 1,500
Jk vrishti cauliflower seeds Rs. 450
Jk 8031 brinjal seeds Rs. 160
Jkth-811 tomato seeds Rs. 1,100
Jkhph 1198 chilli seeds Rs. 599
Jk ishwari chilli seeds Rs. 399

Last Updated: March 25, 2025