Traps and lures Price List

Product Price
Sk agrotech water trap brinjal shoot & fruit borer pheromone lure Rs. 730
Chipku - mini solar insect trap with 6 months warranty Rs. 1,149
Chipku - blue fly catcher size a4 (200mm x 300mm) Rs. 310
Chipku - yellow + blue fly catcher size a4 (200mm x 300mm) Rs. 310
Chipku - white sticky trap size a4 (200mm x 300mm) Rs. 472
Chipku - white sticky trap size a5 (150mm x 200mm) Rs. 189
Chipku - blue sticky trap size a5 (150mm x 200mm) Rs. 180
Chipku - yellow sticky trap size a5 (150mm x 200mm) Rs. 282
Chipku - yellow + blue fly catcher size a5 (150mm x 200mm) Rs. 284
Chipku - bactrocera cucurbitae (melon fly) lure Rs. 662
Chipku - brinjal fruit shoot borer (leucinodes orbonalis) lure Rs. 720
Chipku - diamond black moth (plutella xylostella) lure Rs. 340
Chipku - tomato leaf miner (tuta absoluta) lure Rs. 428
Chipku - yellow stem borer (scriptophaga incertulas) lure Rs. 365
Chipku - bactrocera dorsalis (fruit fly) lure Rs. 299
Chipku - neem plant guard spray Rs. 219
Chipku - insect gum for making insect trap, fly trap glue boards Rs. 475
Chipku - insect gum with wrapping roll Rs. 285
Chipku - insect gum with trap bags Rs. 472
Chipku - pheromone trap with bactrocera cucurbitae melon fly lure Rs. 595
Chipku - pheromone ecomax trap with bactrocera dorsalis fruit fly lure Rs. 207
Chipku - pheromone funnel trap with yellow rice stem borer lure (scriptophaga incertulas) Rs. 899
Chipku - bucket trap with red palm weevil lure Rs. 3,417
Chipku - maxplus/macphill pheromone trap with bactrocera dorsalis fruit fly lure (outdoor) Rs. 215
Chipku - pheromone water trap with tomato leaf miner (tuta absoluta) lure Rs. 852
Chipku - pheromone funnel trap with spodoptera litura (tobacco caterpillar) lure Rs. 664
Chipku - macphill/maxplus pheromone trap with bactrocera cucurbitae melon fly lure Rs. 305
Chipku - pheromone funnel trap with pectinophora gossypiella (cotton pink bollworm ) lure Rs. 330
Chipku - fly catcher glue sheet trap for home, hotel, kitchen Rs. 399
Chipku - glass trap pheromone trap with bactrocera cucurbitae (melon fly) lure Rs. 149
Chipku - bucket trap with rhinoceros beetle pheromone lure Rs. 424
Chipku - eco pheromone glass trap with bactrocera dorsalis (fruit fly) lure Rs. 215
Pomo trap with pomo lure Rs. 1,525
Maxplus trap with fruit fly lure Rs. 1,144
Maxplus trap with melon fly lure Rs. 1,144
Green revolution delta trap with tu tom lure Rs. 1,017
Water trap with tu tom lure Rs. 1,271
Water trap with sugarcane top-b lure Rs. 1,101
Water trap with brinjal lure Rs. 1,101
Water trap with dbm lure Rs. 932
New melon fly trapper, 10 melon fly lure with 10 tri trap complete set for a one-acre Rs. 635
New fruit fly trapper, 10 fruit fly lure with 10 tri trap complete set for a one-acre Rs. 550
Melon fly trap/ tri-trap with melon fly lure Rs. 550
Fruit fly trap/ tri-trap with fruit fly lure Rs. 550
Ipm trap with melon fly lure Rs. 650
Ipm trap with fruit fly lure Rs. 550
Bucket trap with white grub lure Rs. 1,779
Bucket trap with beetle lure Rs. 593
Bucket trap with red palm lure Rs. 580
Funnel trap with brinjal lure Rs. 678
Funnel trap with sugarcane top-b lure Rs. 593
Funnel trap with faw lure Rs. 593
Funnel trap with sugarcane esb lure Rs. 550
Funnel trap with spod-o lure Rs. 550
Funnel trap with ysb lure Rs. 508
Funnel trap with gulabi fly lure Rs. 508
Funnel trap with helic-o lure Rs. 508
Pvc blue sticky trap Rs. 169
Pvc yellow sticky trap Rs. 169
Glue trapper with polybags Rs. 212
Green revolution blue sticky rolls Rs. 1,610
Green revolution yellow sticky rolls Rs. 1,610
Eco yellow/blue sticky trap size a4 Rs. 296
Eco blue sticky trap size a4 Rs. 297
Eco yellow sticky trap size a4 Rs. 1,144
Green revolution white sticky trap size a4 Rs. 296
White sticky trap size a5 Rs. 678
Eco yellow/blue mix sticky trap size a5 Rs. 149
Eco yellow sticky trap size a5 Rs. 106
Eco blue sticky trap size a5 Rs. 106
Solar minichargeable insect light trap to control flying insect Rs. 1,339
Bucket trap - pack of 10 Rs. 1,101
Water trap - for tomato & brinjal - pack of 10 Rs. 762
Maxplus trap fruit fly trap - pack of 10 Rs. 762
Delta trap - pack of 10 Rs. 423
Funnel trap - pack of 10 Rs. 339
Fruit fly trap/ tri trap for all fruits & vegetables crop - pack of 10 Rs. 170
Ipm trap / fruit fly trap - pack of 10 (only ipm trap, not including lure) Rs. 170
White grub lure h. serrata h consungunia - pack of 10 Rs. 508
Melon fly lure for vegetable crop bactrocera cucurbita - pack of 10 Rs. 508
Fruit fly lure for fruit crop - pack of 10 Rs. 508
Beetle lure rhinoceros beetle Rs. 677
Red palm lure for red palm weevil Rs. 474
Tu tom lure tuta absoluta - pack of 10 Rs. 423
Sugarcane esb lure chilo infuscatellus - pack of 10 Rs. 339
Faw lure fall armyworm - pack of 10 Rs. 339
Brinjal lure leucinodes orbinalis - pack of 10 Rs. 339
Sugarcane top-b lure scripophaga nivella - pack of 10 Rs. 338
Fruit fly attractant Rs. 212
Spod-o lure spodoptera litura - pack of 10 Rs. 212
Gulabi fly lure pink bollworm - pack of 10 Rs. 204
Dbm lure plutella xylostella - pack of 10 Rs. 170
Ysb lure scripophaga incertulas - pack of 10 Rs. 170
Helic-o lure helicoverpa armigera - pack of 10 Rs. 170
Gumtree yellow and blue sticky trap (25cmx33cm) (yellow-15 and blue-5) Rs. 879
Gumtree yellow and blue sticky trap (22cmx28cm) (yellow-15 and blue-5) Rs. 679
Gumtree yellow and blue sticky trap (25cmx12.5cm) (yellow-15 and blue-5) Rs. 469
Gumtree yellow and blue sticky roll (30cm x 100m) Rs. 3,859
Gumtree yellow and blue sticky roll (20cm x 100m) Rs. 3,159
Gumtree yellow and blue sticky roll (15cm x 100m) Rs. 1,779

Last Updated: March 27, 2025